The DSP speaker trend is apparent and starting to make inroads into the HiFi world.
Yeah, I agree that DSP has many advantages. In my current setup, I took a different approach for DSPs -- instead of DSP at the speaker side -- my DSP chain is at the source side (before the DAC). This gives me more control over DSP processing chain (component sequence), fine control over time alignment of mains & subwoofer. On the downside, this constrains my DAC choices to the few multi-channel DACs choices (eg. Topping DM7, Okto dac8, etc..) because standard 2ch DAC won't be sufficient for my 2.1 setup.
With DSP at the source side, it also gives me lots of flexibility to experiment with different PC-based DSP components (IIR EQ or FIR EQ, crossover, various effects, time delays) without worrying about DSP hardware obsolescence if I were to use DSP at the speaker side. PC side also offers more computing juice for audio processing.
On the speaker side, I'm thankful I purchased the old fashioned analog active KH310A which are really good performers. I suppose in a few years time when Neumann release their DSP version of 420, it'll be a nice upgrade if I can snag the KH420 at clearance prices.