Plugin : Facebook, Tweeter


Well-known member
As per thread title  ;D

Please back up full before you do anything huh. I can't live without  ;D


Staff member
BadEnglish said:
Dear Audio

Do I need to wear a miniskirt to get your attention ?  ;D

You need to do a lot more if you want my attention when you could not even reference the forum?s name properly.  What

BadEnglish said:
As per thread title  ;D

Please back up full before you do anything huh. I can't live without  ;D

I will take my time on this especially after the last incident.



Well-known member
Audio said:
You need to do a lot more if you want my attention when you could not even reference the forum?s name properly.  What

I will take my time on this especially after the last incident.


Ah yea .org  ;D ;D My fault. But not bad lar, actually, perhaps you could register also  ;D


Staff member
You can whine and whine.

I look for a mod and could not found any.  I am assuming you want a Facebook and Twitter share features.  The one SMF mod that existed had been removed by the author.

If you have one, give me the link and I will look at it.



New member
How, can post video directly from twitter or not?

some violent things are starting to happen in Henan because of the banks eat people money issue