Why this new CD could change Storage


Well-known member
PetaBits!! Wow!! but guess its gonna happen maybe in 10 to 15years time..


Well-known member
No need for HDD's...
just slot in a few Petabits CD's for storage in a NAS.


Well-known member
the construction of optical disc is still subjected to rot, if bonding material or process fails in any part.
taking my DVD collection for example, U.S. pressed discs out of 100%, 15% had turned bad where there wasn't any visible rot, but very light discoloration that indicates that the bonding glue had lost it's bondage power and formed kind of air pockets, that eventually causing laser head of the player unable to read the disc properly. majority will play first layer smoothly, when layer change comes around, the disc play process will have a long freeze, then leads to chapter skipping.
such scenario had happened on Blu-Ray Discs as well... if a certain title acquired for a long time wasn't played.

so... it's great that there're further technical developments on storage capabilities. but having such development, may not indicate that there will be developments for new readers/players/burners as cloud storage and streaming is the greatest hurdle now to tackle.

one last thing... how would such disc be priced?

btw, you know how much donkey years a 25GB BDR-RE takes to fall to $2.18 per disc?